Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1st Kindermusik Class

Today, we went to our 1st class at Kindermusik. The class is for 18 months to 3 years. There was a good mix of kids, but you can obviously tell a huge difference between a 19 month old and a 3 year old! Zoe was ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE! And I think this is okay, but I would really like for her to learn to sit and listen...this is something I think going to classes like this will help and working on it at home, too. Sometimes I am envious of the kids that are so shy they sit right in their Mama's laps the whole time, but then I am so happy that Zoe is fearless and interactive, loves to be social and play!
My Big Girl all ready for class!
All smiles from the get go!

Yes....my child is in the middle of everyone....kissing the seahorse and saying hi...this is when we were all supposed to be seated learning a song. Such is life!
Lots of love!

Zoe loved the bubbles so much! I do think our 1st class was a success! I am really looking forward to the next 3. The teacher gave us our CD to listen to at home. While Zoe and I played this afternoon, we popped it in. She definitely recognized one song and did the motions we learned in class. We will listen to this at least once a day and sing along so we will be good and ready for next week :)

Once we got home, Zoe and I took a 2 hour afternoon nap. I needed it after running around after her in class. We had lunch and got ready to go to a Puppet Show at the library. Another place where learning to sit and listen will come in handy!
This one Zoe is screaming..."CHEESE" for the picture :)

At the library, I would say there were about 100 kids...if not more. Zoe loved when the music was playing but wasn't as interested when the puppets were just talking. So we opted for the Children's Book section. They have a closed off area for story times. Zoe and I grabbed a couple books and headed there to read...and by read I mean flip through the pages as fast as Zoe can. Zoe is becoming more and more independent every day. She climbed all the way to the top of the stairs, book in tow, and read by herself...and then climbed back down to grab another one to read at the top. She is getting really big, really fast!
A fun filled day...glad tomorrow is a little bit more relaxed!

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