Friday, August 21, 2009



This week is Baby Shower Ideas.....which is PERFECT timing! I have a shower in September, one in October, and a TON of Friends that are pregnant!

One idea that I absolutely love due to being a Book Worm is instead of the guests bringing a card, they bring a book for the baby's library. My SIL told me about this idea from a shower she was invited to.

I also love the idea of doing more of a group luncheon....especially with close friends. There is no real planning and it is relaxed and laid back. But you can still celebrate the baby and all of your close friends have a great excuse to get together!



Just came across your blog and noticed you live in GA as well : ) Cute blog you have here!

crystal hollyhand said...

Thats funny...a lady at school was telling me the idea of the books for a shower. Very cute!