Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Prayers Answered

2 big prayers of mine have been answered in regard to my Little Man's health. God has such a sense of humor.

I prayed for Evan to poop (may sound silly..but you try not pooping for a week!) and I think I should have been a little bit more specific.  I think I should have prayed for Evan to poop once a day....NOT EVERY DIAPER!

Evan is now pooping...prayer answered.  He is now pooping every diaper, up the back, out the sides, ruined clothes, scared to leave the house pooping!  But he is pooping.  Thanks God for answered prayers :)

The best part of it all is that his reflux is now non-existent!  Evan is bib free and lovin' it!  We still have the occasional spit up or drool...but nothing like before!  Another Prayer answered!

And with those issues gone...Evan is growing and progressing great!  Tummy time is no longer hard for him, he is sitting up and building his back muscles, he is rolling and now Evan sleeps on his tummy!  Amazing!

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