Sunday, February 12, 2012

Evan's 1/2 Way There...6 Months Old

  • Evan wears some 3-6 months clothes, but mainly 6-9 months.

  • Evan wears size 2 diapers.

  • Evan eats every 3 hours roughly is breastfed.  If he has a bottle, he has between 6-7 ounces (now mixed with prune juice).

  • Evan loves his pacie...he plays with it constantly.  He takes it out of his mouth and then tries to get it back in the right way.  He loves to gnaw on it and it is helping his teething.

  • Evan eats oatmeal, usually mixed with apple sauce or yogurt.  he has also tried carrots, potatoes and sweet potatoes.  Evan hated sweet potatoes...he gagged so much!

  • Evan has been doing awesome with tummy time!  And when on his tummy, he can almost roll onto his back.  He just needs a little bit of help.

  • Evan is getting very interested in EVERYTHING around him.  Feeding time is getting harder and harder and he typically is moving his head anyway he can to see what is going on.  

  • Evan loves to be sung to...especially at night when a little restless.

  • Evan almost always has a finger or two in his mouth, if he doesn't have a pacie...teething central!

  • Evan loves to play with his toy elephant that rattles and squeaks.

  • Evan is not a fan of the bumbo, so we really only put him in there to eat.

  • Evan is getting more active in the exersaucer.

  • Evan absolutely loves his big sister.  He watches her every move and just smiles the minute he sees her.  I really think he missed her and didn't like the quiet while Zoe was at Grandma's.

  • Evan is still swaddled.  He loves to play with his pacie and this is how he is soothed to sleep.  So I don't think we will stop swaddling until he can roll.

  • Evan take a morning cat nap, about 30 minutes, a early afternoon nap around Noon for about 2-3 hours, same as Zoe, and 1 or 2 cat naps before bed around 7pm.  He usually takes his naps in his swing or swaddled in his crib.

  • Evan sleeps through the night without a feeding, but we do have to soothe him back to sleep one or two...or lets be honest ten times...some nights.  Having a cold this past month has made sleeping a little more difficult.

  • Evan still has issues in the poop department.  We have started to try and help him with oatmeal, prune juice...thermometers.  He poops about once a week.  One week he went three times which was the most he has ever gone in one week.

  • Evan puts up a little bit of a fight at night to go to sleep, but it is nothing about 10 minutes of rocking can cure.

  • Evan has brown hair and his eyes are turning green.  Near the pupil, they are green and they fade to blue towards the edges.

  • Evan has gorgeous long eyelashes, but not so gorgeous long eyebrows...he's eyebrows look like they belong on an 80 year old man.

  • Evan is such a cuddlier.

  • Evan cries very little.  He is usually smiling from ear to ear.

  • Evan has the sweetest low pitched giggle.

  • Evan's favorite toy is his floor gym.

  • Evan look so much like Daddy but has Mommy's eyes.

  • Evan isn't quite sitting up, but he can hold himself for a few seconds before face planting.

  • Evan loves to have his diaper changed.

  • Evan still has reflux.  We decided to try and medicate him this past month.  After 2 1/2 weeks, we didn't think it was really helping enough to continue.

  • Evan is the sweetest little boy and we just love him so very much!

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