Sunday, October 18, 2009

Absolutely L-O-V-E Sundays!

I have to say that Sundays are probably my favorite day of the week! There is just a different feeling on least with me. Although my Church has many masses, I love morning mass! I love starting my day with going to Church, especially on a day like was GORGEOUS!

This morning was so great. I went to 9:30 mass which is the Children's mass. Right when I walked in, all the children started singing their little songs they have been practicing for so long and it almost brought me to tears. I just feel so my Church and my God ...and two...have this child growing in me that will one day be right up there with all the other children singing "Jesus Loves Me". It got me so excited! I look forward to Sundays so much too because it is a day that I really reflect on all the blessings in my life, my wonderful husband, families, friends and all that I have.

Today was a very special day for me, too. After Mass, I headed up to Athens, GA to visit a great friend, Jenny, for lunch. I have known Jenny since I was in kindergarten. We went to the same school through high school. I have SO many great, funny memories with her. She is also pregnant and due in get to share this next phase of life with her (and so many of my friends) is so special. But today, I had a special reason for meeting her for lunch and something very important to ask her. I feel so blessed that Jenny accepted today to be our baby's Godmother. Not only do I just love this woman, but she truly LOVES GOD and is an amazing Catholic! After much prayer and talking and thinking, I was convinced that Jenny would be the best person to be an aid to Zach and I in raising our child in its faith journey. So special! I can't wait for the baby to get here.....4 more weeks.....and for it to be Baptized on November is such a blessed day!

I hope you all had a wonderful SUNDAY!

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