Zoe eats breakfast, lunch and dinner...not at specific times every day because every day for us is a little bit different.
Zoe loves her milk ("baba") and waffle ("baffle") in a bowl in the morning watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ("Minnie"). She is moving on up to two waffles lately.
Zoe is quite the snuggler in the morning. We usually wrap up in a blanket and watch her show together until nap time. I treasure this cuddling SO much!
Zoe has been in her Big Girl toddler bad for a couple weeks now. She does amazing at night..naps are a different story.
Zoe goes down for "night, night" between 7:30 and 8:30pm. She usually cries for a minute or two and then lays down. Naps are a bit harder. Sometimes she naps, sometimes she doesn't, but she is always in her room for at least 1 1/2 hours. She doesn't cry though during this time...I think she plays with her stuffed animals and books and you can hear her humming, too.
Zoe has gone to time out many times lately; mainly because something she is doing is not safe. She likes to walk to the street and sometimes she gives you a glare and runs into the road...Timeout. Also, she likes to rock on the kitchen chairs or climb on the table...Timeout. Our timeout is putting her in her room and shutting the door. She knows she is in trouble and I think it gets the point across.
Zoe loves to look in the mirror and it is hilarious watching her talk to herself or pose.
Zoe eats really well. She rarely sits in her highchair anymore. She likes to stand in one of our armed kitchen chairs like Mommy and Daddy. She loves to eat all fruits, string cheese, waffles, and chicken. She says all of these words in her own little way. If you ask her if she wants to eat something, she runs to her chair, climbs up and says what she wants.
Zoe puts lots of words together. She says phrases like "sit down", "more please", "thank you", "get down". She has also started to count...which consists of two and then "GO!"
Zoe is doing really well learning people's names. She repeats almost every name we say to her.
Zoe runs everywhere she goes now!
Zoe still sucks her thumb, mainly when she is tired now. And when she sucks it, she uses her pointer finger to rub her nose.
Zoe whines, but it is usually only when we are in the middle of something and she wants you to play with her.
Zoe loves to go to the nursery at Church and the ladies say she is their favorite and so easy...I am sure they tells this to all the parents...but it makes me so happy she does so well without us around.
Zoe is extremely friendly. She says "hi" or "hey" to every body and also loves to say "bye, bye" when she knows we are leaving.
Zoe has learned to work Zach's iphone, the playstation, and many other electronics. The other day she showed Grammy how to turn on Mickey Mouse.
Zoe is not a fan of her carseat, but she is really interested in the buckles now. And she loves to get in Baby carriers when we visit all our new baby friends.
Zoe loves her sippy cups and all of them are "wa, wa". She also drinks really well out of straws.
Zoe loves to play on her bunk beds and I really don't think transition from toddler bed to big bed is going to be hard.
Zoe gives the best hugs. She just squeezes your neck as tight as she can. She also gives great kiss and blows kisses!
Zoe has become a lot more independent and this leads to more accidents. She fallen of the couch or chairs, bonked her head on everything, pushed doors shut on her fingers...and so much more. When she gets hurt, she runs to you and grabs your neck and then, no matter what got hurt, she wants you to kiss her fingers. So funny.
Zoe's hair is getting SO long but curls right up!
When we get ready to go somewhere, we always ask Zoe to get her shoes. She says "shooos" with puckered lips and looks everywhere them. Her shoes stay on for maybe 5 seconds once we get in the car.
Zoe says "cheese" when she sees the camera, but rarely looks at it anymore. Getting a picture of her smiling is getting harder and harder.
Zoe loves to kiss my tummy and say "baby". She must pull my shirt up though to do this and she kisses right at my belly button.
Zoe has loved being in the pool or playing in the hose. She has accidentally gone under quite a few times, but she does great once I get her back up. It is like nothing happened.
Zoe has her four front teeth, her three front bottom teeth (the 4th is slowly popping through), and molars on the top and bottom on each side.
Zoe weighs a little over 21 pounds and is very petite. We will see how tall she is and all her percentages at her checkup.
Zoe hasn't really gotten sick...she had one run in with a fever but it ran its course and she was back to normal. With this there was a little runny nose and she learned to wipe her nose.
Zoe can now tell us all the different parts of her face...eyes, ears, nose, mouth..and actually point to the right spot.
Zoe loves to go to the grocery store and she runs straight to where the TV carts are. She even gets to watch "Minnie" while Mommy does her shopping.
Zoe does really well around babies. We say gentle and she strokes their heads. She tries to share things with them and she rocks them if they are in a swing. She has showed a little bit of jealousy.
Zoe is so fun to be around and I love spending all my days with her! She is such a joy and she makes my life so complete!!!
She's adorable! I love your monthly "Zoe Posts". I have to say though, I got a chuckle when you said she is 21 pounds AND is petite. And I look at GO, who's 28 months old and 19 pounds and laugh... :)
Love the pigtails, too!
Can't wait to see her this week! I know she has changed so much since Christmas. Really can't believe I haven't seen her since then.
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