Tuesday, February 15, 2011

14 Weeks and 15 Months

How Far Along: 14 Weeks

Size of Baby: Baby #3 measures about 3 1/2" long, is the size of a lemon and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Baby #3 can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb (wonder if it will be like it's Big Sister)! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am up 1 lb from last week...no complaints!

Maternity Clothes: Still in the regular clothes. So glad I can wear comfy clothes though and my uniform for work is comfy too!

Gender: August 14th...I can't wait! Still working on a middle name for a boy...any suggestions???

Movement: No movement yet...but I know it is coming and I can't wait either...every new stage in pregnancy gets me so excited. I am one of those crazies that loves being pregnant. I love my growing belly, love getting kicked, love the hiccups, love it love it!

Sleep: Sleeping great...when I do get to sleep. I have switched shifts at work again and now will be in Accounting. Great transition! The hours are at night so I get to spend the WHOLE day with my baby, eat dinner with my family, spend quality time with Zach, put everyone to bed...and then go to work. It is ideal for our situation. Although I get less sleep at night....it is so worth it for me!
What I Miss: It is so funny the second time around....things I would be scared to touch the first time...I am perfectly fine with this go around. I allow myself my Chai Tea...with dare I say it...some caffeine (not much though). I eat deli meat, peanut butter, drink a glass of wine every so often...I know...I am a horrible mother :)

Cravings: Anytime there is a holiday....I have certain candies that I must eat....and only can eat during that holiday season. Valentine's Day = Conversation hearts.... Halloween = Candy Corn.... Easter = Robin's Eggs...and the list goes on. I had to have my conversation hearts!!!!

Symptoms: Huge hunger pains this week. I could not eat enough...I have been trying to eat small meals, more often...but instead this week I ate big meals...more often. Oh well :)

Best Moment of the Week: There is nothing quite as amazing as seeing your Husband become a Father....and I must say I have a pretty amazing Husband who is an even better Father. This week, Zach has really been giving our Baby #3 attention....kissing my belly, talking to the Baby, laying on my tummy...it just brings tears to my eyes how blessed I am for this man....and our beautiful babies!

On to our beautiful Zoe, who is now 15 MONTHS old!

This picture just sums this kid up! She is so corky!!! And I love it!

Zoe had her 15 months check up yesterday and she is perfect...Doctor's words, not mine. :) Her are some of the things going on with this girl...
  • Zoe weighs 20 lbs 14.5 oz. (20%), is 29.75" tall (24%) and has a head circumference of 18 (45%).

  • Zoe wears size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes.

  • Zoe drinks 8 ounces of milk twice a day from a sippy cup and eats all the time...but we try to make it 3 meals and 2 snacks. She loves food, but this past month has gotten into the habit of saying no to some. She tells us when she is hungry and goes to her chair. She tells us when she is done by saying "All Done" and raising her hands to get down. She says "nana for bananas and "wa wa" for water. Any time she hears the toaster pop or the microwave beep, she gets really excited. She is really wanting to feed herself everything and we have been working with forks and spoons. Zoe became obsessed with Fruit Loops and would literally beg for them. She carries her snacks around in a small bowl and eats from it as she pleases.

  • Before eating, we have started to sing grace with Zoe and she just loves it!!!! And she claps her hands together when we say "Amen". Priceless!

  • Zoe sleeps great, when we are home. Sleeping out of her crib is a little difficult still...its just not the same. She takes 2 naps for anywhere from 1 hour to 2. She loves her blanket, lion, bear, bunny, and now her pillow pet. She likes to turn on her music all by herself and the night light before bed. She says "night night" and blows a kiss when going to bed. It is very rare that she detests naps or night time. Zoe has been sleeping until almost 8:00 ever morning...I am dreading time change because this is when everything got screwed up last time.

  • Zoe is corky....she has little things she does that just crack me and Zach up. She loves to walk with her hands behind her back and she crosses her fingers all the time! She does many things for reaction...she has started shaking her head yes and saying "ya ya ya" when you ask her a question. Anytime we walk into a place with lots of people, she screams "HI HI HI HI"...she loves being around people. She loves to grab the phone and say "hello" and "bye bye". She loves to dance and sing songs. Her favorite these days is "The Wheels on the Bus..." She just giggles and giggles.

  • Zoe loves bath time! She loves to blow bubbles and get a big "Yay" from Mommy and Daddy.

  • Zoe says Thank You for everything....we will see how long this lasts!

  • Zoe has learned to get off the couch and our bed. She says "Sit Down" or "Get Down" when doing these things.

  • Zoe says "No No" and looks at us whenever she goes to something she knows she isn't supposed to play with...but this usually is followed by a smile and she does the action she isn't supposed....so hard not to laugh at her sneakiness.

  • Zoe loves to "read" books....which means turning the pages all by herself and then running to get another one. She wants to sit right in your lap to read! Zoe has also started to draw or scribble with markers and crayons. Zach does this with her all the time in her coloring books and then usually takes them for himself and colors all night. So funny.

So many awesome things changing every day....it just overwhelms me when I look back to when she was born and think about where she is now!


Redneck Geologist said...

Zoe's photo is awesome! Good luck with the job and schedule change!

Marivan said...
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Casey said...

It's probably weird seeing as I am a complete stranger (I wanted to see what other people's blogs looked like so I've just been clicking 'next blog' and checking out what I find) bu I thought I'd mention that I was the same way with my second pregnancy. I ate most of the things I skipped with my first and I have a healthy little boy now...well, as healthy as my first anyways.

Hope your pregnancy goes well and cute family! Having kids close together is really crazy, but I am confident that I will love it soon! It's amazing how fast the second one does things just because they have another little person to watch and learn from!

Have fun!!! :-)