Monday, February 9, 2009

Do you Dare?

This weekend, Zach and I watched Fireproof. Ok so the acting wasn't 4 stars or anything but the message far exceeds any number of stars. Even though Zach and I have only been married 6 months, I could relate to the couple featured. We have been tested, even before we got married, with challenges that some might back down from in a relationship. The couple in the movie were facing divorce....and I don't want to give it away because you should rent it too. But the main character was "Dared" to improve his marriage before giving into divorce.

One thing that I loved about this movie and the concept, was that we don't have to wait until we are at the breaking point or the end of our marriage, that all of us can improve our marriage with this Dare! No, Zach and I are fine....growing stronger everyday. But, for us both, I am taking the dare.

Today, I am going to the bookstore and buying "The Love Dare" for Zach. I am not buying it for him to do for me, I am buying it for me to do for him (it makes more sense after you have seen the movie or visit the website). Over the next 40 days, I will blog about the experience and share the book with you too, if you want to take on the dare as well!

I dare you! I dare you to make your marriage or relationship all it can be. I dare you to live in a marriage the way God intended it to be! In this month of love, Do you Dare?

1 comment:

Life throws you surprises! said...

I want to do this book as well but I want to do the couples Bible Study part. Unfortunently, my hubby doesn't have the time right now....I know that sounds bad but his work is so unpredictable.