Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chop Away!

How many of you love to sit at the counter and chop up your veggies, fruits, herbs...anything?  Ya that is what I thought...NOBODY!

iVillage just released their "Stuff We Love Awards 2012" and Tupperware's Chop N' Prep was their number one pick for chopping gadgets! 

Check out the full list of awesome products they suggest here:

And I have to agree 110% with their choice.  The Chop n' Prep is amazing and so easy to use!  All you have to do is pull a cord (not electricity is necessary) and viola...your food is chopped!

Don't believe me!?! 
Here is a way to win a Chop n' Prep of your very own!

Place a Tupperware order of at least $20 in the remaining days of August and be entered into a drawing to win one of these Chop n' Prep's for FREE!  Already own a Chop n' Prep...write a comment about how much you love yours and what you use it for on this post and you will be entered into the drawing as well!

To place your order, you can email me at, call me if you have my number, attend a party and place an order or go to my website and place your order there!  For every $20 you spend, you will be entered into the drawing once and I will do the drawing on September and all :)

Let the Chopping Begin!

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