Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Book Worm

Growing up, I hated reading more than anything in the world. You could not get me to sit down long enough to read, believe it or not. But, as I have gotten older, I have really grown to love and appreciate a good book. It started with my friend Kara giving me an AMAZING book by Jodi Picoult called My Sister's Keeper. I could not put it down!

Then it carried on into some classics. I read Pride and Prejudice before the movie came out. Wow did they leave a ton out! The book was so great! I have read every type of book though romances, especially Nicholas Sparks! Bend in the Road and The Notebook and The Wedding are sooooo good! Then some drama, suspense, Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code (another one where the book is a million times better). Then some mystery with Beautiful Lies. One of my favorites is Wicked. I read this before I saw the play on Broadway. It is a really interesting twist to the Wizard of Oz. I read many more Jodi Picoult books and some others along the way. If you want a good, heart warming, tear jerker, read James Patterson's Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. I always love a good cry :)

My lastest love is Twilight. Twilight is part of a four book series by Stephenie Meyer. I finished it in 4 days....500 pages! I couldn't, literally, put it down! Zach was starting to get a little upset with me. But it was that good! And I can't wait because the movie is coming out in November. This pushed me to finish faster. I am one of those that wants to read the book before I see the movie. I can't wait to read the next 3, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.


Candace said...

Best wishes with Twilight. It is by far my favorite series, and I had to confess to Jonathan that I was in love with Edward Cullen - thankfully, he's fictional! Let me know what you think about the next 3. I LOVE to talk about them. :)

Good luck on New Moon - it was the one I struggled with most (because it made me mad/upset).

Life throws you surprises! said...

Like the picture change. Good books.