Friday, August 19, 2011

A New Routine

Well...this new life of ours is here and now what are we going to do with it! I am getting myself into some sort of working routine...very flexible!
My day starts at 6am. Now that I am not is back in my life! It is a beautiful thing! 6am is no big deal...where 8am used to be tough. So my day starts at 6am with a morning feeding. Afterwards...Evan sleeps...and I get some "me" time in before Zoe wakes up.I am loving this morning time. I know it won't be long before Evan doesn't just eat, sleep and I am taking full advantage. I drink my coffee, watch the Today Show or read my book (started The Help....I am on the bandwagon!). I relax! A great way to start my day! And in a couple weeks...this time I do believe will turn into Shred Time!Zoe wakes up between 8-9am. We have been keeping her up a little bit later...just because of company or being busy...and it has worked out because she sleeps in a little bit longer. And once Zoe is up...our day becomes Minnie and playtime.

Zoe naps around 12. I use this time to pick up the house, fold laundry (Zoe unfolds everything if I do it around her), do the on pinterst, blog, talk on the phone, cuddle and stare at Evan.
I am loving how easy this transition has been so far.
Evan is so chill!

How did I luck out on two calm babies?

So blessed!


Life With Lauren said...

So sweet! Happy Friday!

The Sweet Life said...

So sweet! I have got to read the help! I keep hearing amazing things. I just started the hunger games! You have such a cute little family. Hope to see you guys during football season.

Wiz said...

YOu give me hope! My first was so calm and I have this perception that I wont get as lucky the second time around. Fingers crossed!

Also, LOVED The Help. Both the book and the movie!

Mommy Alyshia said...

Don't jinx yourself! :-) Greg used to be calm...I honestly do not know what happened! ha!